Ms. Dada and Ms. Hadeel are delighted to be part of this exciting journey with our 4th graders this year!

We, in Grade 4, are true IB learners. We demonstrate the IB learner profile attributes daily and we thrive to let our talents shine!

Our Grade 4s are shining in their Arts Week celebration.

The Zubara Guardians and The Pearls had an amazing time preparing for Qatar National Day celebrations. Students learned interesting facts about Qatar’s past and present and created informative posters during the Qatar History class this term. They also worked really hard to design door decorations based on their class’s name.

We hope that you enjoyed celebrating this special day with us as much as we did.

Our Ancient Civilisation unit was concluded with an amazing and engaging trip to Al-Zubara Fort; one of a few forts that are still standing to tell about the history of Qatar.

We were lucky to have a team of tour guides join us from Qatar Museums to tell us all about the remains of the city left close to shore were divers and their families used to live. This is the only site where excavation still takes place here in Qatar. We then explored the fort and its different rooms while working on our maths measuring skills, as a provocation for the new maths unit.

This trip was the best way to end our unit with adventure and knowledge!

Last week, Grade 4 went on an interesting field trip to the newly opened  Musheireb Museums as part of our provocation for the second unit of inquiry “Ancient Civilisations”.

This new unit will allow students to go back in time and learn about the history of some civilisations from all around the world, in order to make connections between the past, our present, and what is awaiting us in the future. We had such an amazing time visiting a couple of the first original houses that were built in the area in the early 1900, which are now remodeled, yet still remain their unique look of traditions and cultures. We also got a chance to learn more about the history of Qatar and explore the drastic changes that the country went through during the past 100 years.

We recommend a second visit to the museums with the rest of the family. It is worth the trip 🙂


Our International Day this year was extremely interactive and filled with fun activities. Grade 4s have placed their mark and shared their knowledge about the countries they represented; The Czech Republic and Slovakia.

We used these two countries as real life examples of a peaceful conflict resolution during Czechoslovakia’s separation into these two countries. Students created an amazing display board, filmed a video explaining the split, made flags for both countries and sang a song in Czech about a famous fairy tale character named Vodnik.

Many thanks to who attended and supported our students in their performance.

Our Hispanic Day was a great success. We had a fantastic time learning about and carrying out activities from different countries.

These collages show some of the activities we participated in during that day!

These few weeks have been filled with exciting activities and interactions. We have been consolidating our understanding of our lines of inquiry and reflecting on what peace means to us and how it affects us personally.

In out  joint Art sessions we produced a beautiful poster in which we dug deep into our feelings and translated those feeling into drawings and words. We then started brain storming ideas for our next interesting activity, where we are going to create a mural to be used for our self-evaluations and displaying our learning outcomes each unit!

Here is grade 4 we are starting to understand and value the importance of daily reading. We are building our skills and polishing our abilities.  From our guided group reading, DEAR time, read aloud or reading buddies with the preschoolers, we are focusing on establishing solid routines that we will carry on for life!

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Grade 4s have had a great start this year. We have been working together in order to foster our team-building skills. We have shown to be caring and open-minded by giving a warm welcome to all the new comers into grade 4.

Throughout this week, we have tuned in to the investigation about Conflict Resolution which is our first inquiry unit this year.

We have worked on our similarities and differences in an activity called “It is a jungle out there”, where each student chose an animal they can relate to and described their choice then reflected on how they can relate to that in their personal lives.

Furthermore, through inquiry we looked into the place value of numbers through team activities in which students had to work in their groups and find ways to communicate to solve mathematical problems.


This year our grade 4 are in for an adventure. They are participating in creating a ‘shared power’ classroom, in which they get to practice the IB learner profiles each day. We are organizing weekly classroom meetings, where we share our thoughts and discuss them freely while keeping in mind being open-minded and caring for others. It has been amazing so far and we are loving it!

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